This Program aired on 1-7 and 1-8 on KHOA 107.9 This Program aired on 12-22 and 12-23 on KHOA 107.9 This Program aired on 12-14 and 12-15 on KHOA 107.9 This Program aired on 12-7 and 12-8 on KHOA 107.9 This Program aired on 12-1 and 12-2 on KHOA 107.9Continue Reading

The Hope School Board met in the Administrative building on Monday (8-21). The minutes were approved and the expenditures which were seconded and passed. Dr. Crossley reported the 3rd and 4th grade math levels have jumped. Overall, the Elementary scores are up. Middle School writing is up, and Hope HighContinue Reading

The HarMENizers presented a concert at First Baptist Church on August 20th.  A good crowd came out to hear the quartet as well as several other performers.  The HarMENizers have performed in many venues around the area and their gospel sounds are quite popular around Southwest Arkansas.Continue Reading

The Southeast Pike County Alliance will hold the 2023 Delight Musicfest September 30th from 10am until 11pm.  A great line-up of groups will be on hand for the event.  Music starts at 10am with an “open mic” time until 10:40am.  Third Channel takes the stage at 11am with Clark CampbellContinue Reading